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11 Helpful Writing Tips and Tricks

Here's where it gets good. This is probably one of the things you've been waiting for, or maybe not and you just happened to stumble upon it while going through this website. Lets get on with it.

1. Listen To Music.

If you're like me, you work better with music. Music helps me zone out and get lost in my writing. When I'm distracted and people around me are loud, I get distracted and can't focus on being the best author I can be. This leads me to my next tip.

2. Focus.

If you don't focus, it'll be harder to let yourself be the best you can be. It's hard, and near to impossible to do your best when you have a million things going on around you that distract you. I suggest going to a quieter place, or just start writing and absorb yourself in it.

3. Write With Friends.

When I write with friends, my writing experience is so much more enjoyable. Writing with friends allows us to throw around ideas and make the story better than it already is.

4. Roleplay.

It sounds silly, I know. Roleplaying can really help though. When I took a break from writing, I was still roleplaying with my best friends the whole time. Once I came back, my writing was significantly better than when I left. Roleplaying gets creative juices flowing, and lets come up with plot twists for you and your friends to enjoy.

5. Have Fun With It.

Have fun with it! Your audience will be able to tell if you enjoy what you're doing just depending on how you present yourself and your work. Writing doesn't have to be a chore, it can be fun! I learned that the hard way. If you have fun with it, you enjoy your writing even more, and so does your audience.

6. Believe In Yourself.

I can't stress this enough. Believing in yourself is crucial to accomplishing anything you want in life; writing is no exception. If you don't believe in yourself, your writing will reflect it. Believing in yourself will boost your confidence. You can do it as long as you put your mind to it, and believe in yourself.

7. Pep Talks.

Again, sounds stupid, I know. Telling yourself you can do it (like I said previously) will boost your confidence. If you tell yourself you can't do it, your writing quality will decrease and you won't be as proud as yourself, but if you tell yourself you can do it, the opposite will happen. Give yourself a little pep talk before you start writing, it may help.

8. Give Your Fingers A Break.

When you've been writing for a while, your fingers start to cramp. Trust me, I'd know. I've written books with 100 chapters and up to 1400+ words. You can't write if your fingers are cramping. Your focus will be taken off your writing and be directed onto the pain. Give your hands a break every once in a while.

9. Let Your Imagination Flow.

You don't always have to go in with an outline or a set plan. I've written just about every chapter of mine without an idea about where it's going to go. I let my imagination take me wherever it wants, and it normally leads me in the right direction.

10. Don't Stress.

Stress isn't good for anyone, especially when it comes to doing something you love. Don't stress yourself about completing a certain amount of chapters, or having a minimum about how many words have to be in your chapter. I did that for the longest time, and it stressed me out and made me lose inspiration. Don't do what I did, just breathe in and breathe out. It's going to be okay.

11. Take Breaks.

It's okay to take breaks! I didn't give myself a break for such a long time, and that resulted in me to stop writing for months, and nearly a year. Take a break and give yourself that crucial time to recuperate.


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